Error 1309 is caused by a restriction in Windows 8 or 10, or an unsuccessful install in Windows 7

When running Windows 8 or Windows 10, error 1309 happens because of a restriction in Windows that only allows certain types of updates to be installed when the computer is restarted.

Many times the error is solved by a proper restart. Please follow these steps.

Windows 8 or Windows 10

Restart your Computer

  1. Press Windows Key+I on your keyboard to bring up the Settings Panel.
  2. Click the Power button.
  3. Select the option that says “Restart” or “Update and Restart”.

If the restart steps above did not resolve the issue, then you’ll need to uninstall and reinstall. (Your projects will not be affected.) Please follow these steps.

Uninstall/Reinstall EQ7

  1. Follow the directions here to uninstall EQ7:
  2. Follow the directions here to reinstall EQ7:

Windows 7 or earlier

When running Windows 7, error 1309 means that you need to uninstall and reinstall. (Your projects will not be affected.)

Uninstall/Reinstall EQ7

  1. Follow the directions here to uninstall EQ7:
  2. Follow the directions here to reinstall EQ7: