Convert a Line to a Curve

To convert a line to a curve, use the Edit tool. Click on the line you want to convert to an curve. You will know it’s selected because the nodes on each end of the segment display larger. Then click on the toCurve button in the palette. The line will now have handles for you to use to shape the curve.

Click on the line to select it.
Click on the line segment to select it.


The segment now has handles.
The segment now has handles.
Drag the handles to adjust the curve.
Drag the handles to adjust the curve.

Convert a Curve to a Line

To convert a curve to a line, use the Edit tool to select the curve you want to convert. Then click on the toLine button in the palette. The curve will redraw as a straight line with no handles.

Click on the segment to select it.
Click on the segment to select it.


The curve is now a line.
The curve is now a line.