Deleting an item or items from the Sketchbook

Deleting individual items

  1. With the project opened in EQ, click View Sketchbook.
  2. Click the section containing the item(s) you want to delete.
  3. Click to select an item.
  4. Click the Delete button on the Sketchbook’s button row.
  5. Click Yes if you want to delete.
  6. Continue to delete other items.
  7. Close the Sketchbook when you are finished.

Deleting multiple items simultaneously

When viewing the Project Sketchbook through the View Sketchbook button, you can only delete one item at a time. To delete multiple items at a time, you must view your Sketchbook items through the Library box.

  1. Click LIBRARIES > Fabric Library (or whichever library you want to delete from).
  2. Click the blue Sketchbook button on the left of the Library box. This displays all the items in your Sketchbook.
  3. Click to select the items you want to delete.
    • Use CTRL+click (Command+click on Mac) to select multiple items.
    • Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
    • Use CTRL+A (Command+click on Mac) to select all items at once.
  4. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Library box. A prompt will ask if you want to delete these items.
  5. Click Yes. The items will be deleted.
  6. Click Close on the Library.