No More Licenses Left for this License
Error code 5013 means you’ve exceeded the number of activations allowed on your EQ7 license key.
EQ7 can be installed and activated unlimited times, but only 2 computers can be activated at one time. You can “turn on” and “turn off” activations to choose which computers you want to work on. If a computer has crashed, you can use the form below to deactivate all of the computers on your license.
Deactivate Your Computer
Windows 8 or 10
- Press the Windows Key + Q on your keyboard to bring up the Search screen.
- Type “EQ Deactivate” in the Search Box.
- Click on the search result that says “EQ7 Deactivate this Computer”.
Windows 7, Vista, or XP
Click START > Programs > Electric Quilt > EQ7 > EQ7 Deactivate this Computer. This will return the activation to the activation server so that you can use it in the future on the same computer or on a different one. You can quickly and easily reactivate by clicking on the EQ7 icon. The activation process will begin automatically.
Mac (OSX)
- Launch the Electric Quilt App.
- In the menu bar at the top of the screen, go to Electric Quilt > Deactivate.
After you deactivate one of your other computers, your activation should succeed on the new computer.
You have control over your activations and The Electric Quilt Company only needs to step in if a computer died, and you were unable to deactivate EQ7 before it died.
Deactivate Your License
Please fill out the form below to completely deactivate your license. This will deactivate all computers on your license, including those to which you no longer have access. This does not uninstall your software or remove any EQ files from any of your computers. It simply deactivates (turns off) your license so you may reactivate on a different computer.