
Block patterns from BlockBase+ software are intended for your personal use. Permission for any non-commercial use of the block patterns is not required. Reproducing and distributing collections of the block patterns from the software in any way, including on the internet, is strictly prohibited.

For any commercial use of block patterns such as creating a quilt pattern using the blocks, consult the original pattern source and date as listed in the software with each individual block. The Electric Quilt Company does not give, or have the authority to give, permission for commercial use of any of the blocks. Many of the original sources no longer exist or have dates that grant entry to the public domain. If there is no date, the best source for you to verify the public domain status of a block is from Cornell University Library.


BlockBase+ Copyright (c) 2021 by The Electric Quilt Company. All rights reserved. No part of this software or its documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically, photocopied, recorded, translated into a machine language, or otherwise, without the written permission of The Electric Quilt Company. Reproducing and distributing collections of the block patterns from the software in any way, including on the internet, is strictly prohibited.