
The Ellipse tool draws ellipses, pies and arcs as geometric objects. These objects can be shaped and edited within the limits of the mathematical properties controlling their shape. Use Convert to patch to change the object into a set of Bezier curves.


Using the Ellipse tool

Position the cursor at the approximate location you want your ellipse to start. Press the left mouse button and drag diagonally until the ellipse is the size you want. Release the mouse.

Reshape as desired by adjusting the nodes surrounding the ellipse. Click the Convert to patch button in the palette to change to a set of Bezier curves.


You can constrain the ellipse to a perfect circle by holding down the Ctrl key (or the Command key on a Mac) as you drag.

The ELLIPSE PROPERTIES in the palette can be used to partition the ellipse into sections. It can also be used to adjust the starting and ending angle for a pie or arc.

Convert to patch used on an Arc does not create a closed patch. Instead, it creates a set of Bezier curves.

Making Adjustments

There are three Ellipse options available in the palette. The first option is the regular Ellipse. When you are using the Ellipse, take advantage of the Partition and Stagger options in the palette. These allow you to break the ellipse into several pie patches. Click Convert to patch to finish the ellipse. Now you can pull apart the pieces of the ellipse.


The second Ellipse option is a Pie. When you click and drag your mouse, a pie will be drawn instead of an ellipse. The pie draws according to the angles input in the ellipse palette. The top number goes clockwise from the 360 or 0 degree point (the starting angle). The bottom number goes counter-clockwise from the 360 or 0 degree point. Click Convert to patch to finish the pie.

The third Ellipse option is an Arc. When you click and drag your mouse, an arc will draw instead of an ellipse. The arc draws according to the angles input in the ellipse palette. The top number goes clockwise from the 360 or 0 degree point (the starting angle). The bottom number goes counter-clockwise from the 360 or 0 degree point. Click Convert to patch to convert the arc into a set of Bezier curves.

Ellipse5  Ellipse6



Ellipse7  Ellipse8


Changing the settings

To change the ellipse settings, select the drawn ellipse with the Pick tool (or keep the ellipse selected after drawing it), then adjust the ellipse properties to make changes. You’ll see the ellipse changing as you adjust the settings. Once the ellipse is deselected, the settings return to the defaults.

Note: To change the default settings, deselect the ellipse, then adjust the ellipse properties. The next ellipse drawn will have these same settings.



Another way to change the default settings is in the Drawing Board Setup dialog. Click the Worktable Options button on the main toolbar. Here you have access to the same options as in the palette.
