If you see this message when you start your EQ software, it is because your computer is not connected to the internet. Please go to ismyinternetworking.com or secure.softwarekey.com to check.
Every so often when your EQ software starts, it will communicate with the activation server to verify your license.
If your computer is continuously connected to the internet, all this communication takes place silently and no action is required on your part.
If your computer is NOT connected to the internet, you’ll see this message along with a clue as to the number of days you have left before you will be required to connect to the internet. The message below indicates that the software will run for 19 more days. On the 20th day, you’ll need to connect the computer to the internet before you start your EQ software. Once the computer is connected to the internet, simply start your EQ software and the message will no longer appear.