After installing, if you get this error, “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click Ok to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package EQ7.msi in the box below,” restart your computer.
Restarting Windows 8 or Windows 10
Follow this restart method:
- Press Windows Key+I on your keyboard to bring up the Settings Panel.
- Click the Power button.
- Select the option that says “Restart” or “Update and Restart”.
If restarting Windows 8 or Windows 10 does not help – uninstall and reinstall
- Press Windows Key+D on your keyboard to show the Desktop.
- Press Windows Key+I on your keyboard to bring up the Settings Panel.
- Click the Control Panel link.
- Select “Category” from the “View By” options at the top right.
- Under the “Programs” heading, click the “Uninstall a Program” link.
- Select EQ7 from the list of programs.
- Click the Uninstall link at the top of the window.
- Follow the on-screen directions to uninstall EQ7. You do not need to deactivate EQ7.
- Put the EQ7 CD into your computer.
- Press Windows Key+E on your keyboard to bring up the File Explorer.
- Click on “Computer” or “This PC” on the left side.
- Double-click on the EQ7 CD.
- Follow the on-screen directions to install EQ7.
- Restart the computer.