Whenever you open the Foundation Piecing dialog, EQ8 will attempt to section and number your block. Some blocks are simply too complex to be done without some help from you. Some blocks may not be ‘traditional’ foundation piecing blocks, but you know that a foundation pattern would be useful for part of the block. Some blocks may just need the numbering sequence changed so that seam allowances don’t overlap.

On the Sections tab, put a check in I want to section and number myself without EQ’s help. Click the Start Over button. Define your first new section and click the Group button. Continue to group all of your new sections by clicking on the sections in the preview, then choosing Group.

save # 1

When you’re finished grouping the sections, then click the Numbering tab. Click the Change Numbers button and number all of the patches by clicking in each section.

save # 2

The most important step to complete, if you want to save your sectioning and numbering, is to Print Preview or Print. We strongly suggest that you use Print Preview. This allows you to move sections so that they don’t tile over two pages. This illustration shows a small block where all the sections have been moved to fit onto one page.


Now you can save this block in your project or in My Favorite Blocks library, and it will continue to use your sectioning and numbers.

Note: EQ8 does not remember any changes you made to the positioning of sections in Print Preview. You are always required to make those changes each time you print.