When you’re creating complicated quilts with design elements on all the layers, you’ll need to keep your “wits about you” as you work, to make sure that you are on the correct layer for the change you want to make. EQ8 can help you by giving you the ability to hide layers that you are not currently working on.
Click directly on the eye icon to hide the layer. The icon will become gray with a line through it. Click on the eye icon again for that layer to become visible again. If you hide the layer that you are currently on (the current layer draws the tab in white), the next click you make on the worktable will automatically turn the layer back on. This is because it would be impossible to work on a layer that is hidden.
When Layer 1 is hidden, you can see a very faint version of the quilt in the background. When you hide any other layer, it disappears completely.
The layer icons are turned on by default. You can turn them off through the Quilt Worktable Options. On the menu, click Quilt > Quilt Worktable Options > View Settings and uncheck the option to Provide icons to show and hide quilt layers.
Layer Visibility
In the illustrations below, you’ll see a quilt with elements on each layer and the effects of using the layer icons.
Layer 1
In this example, Layer 1 consists of pieced blocks in a horizontal setting, a long horizontal border and a binding. Layers 2 and 3 are hidden.
Layer 2
Now, Layer 1 and 3 are hidden and Layer 2 is visible. You can see the rooster motif that’s set on Layer 2. When Layer 1 is hidden, the design appears washed out. This is so you are still able to see the contents of Layer 1 to help with your placement of items on Layers 2 and 3.
Layer 3
Finally, we can see our quilting set on Layer 3. Layers 1 and 2 are hidden. Again, Layer 1 looks washed out. However, Layer 2 is not visible at all.
What Can Be Set on the Layers?
Each new quilt layout in EQ8 contains three layers. These layers are intended to help you keep your quilt design flexible, yet organized. Some of the design elements in EQ8 are restricted to specific layers. Embroidery, for example, is restricted to Layer 3 only. When an element is not permitted to be set on a layer, the tools will not be enabled on the DESIGN ribbon. Refer to the information below for help on setting designs onto the layers of your quilt.
Layer 1
Made up of pieced or applique blocks sewn together to make the quilt top. Blocks are set onto the quilt by clicking into a predefined block space. Photos can be set on any later of the quilt.
Layer 2
For blocks, motifs and text that are sewn on top of the quilt top. Blocks and motifs are set by dragging from the palette and dropping them onto the quilt. The Adjust tool is used to move, resize, rotate, and skew these designs. Photos can be set on any later of the quilt.
Layer 3
For your quilting and embroidery. Quilting stencils and embroidery are set by dragging from the palette and dropping it onto the quilt. The Adjust tool is used to move, resize, rotate, and skew these designs. Photos can be set on any later of the quilt.