Classic Applique Block Releases
Classic Applique original release on CD
If you own any of the original releases of the Classic Applique CDs, Baltimore Album, Folk Art or 1920s & 30s, then you can link the block collections to your EQ7 (PC or Mac) by following the instructions found on this page: Classic Applique – Linking to EQ.
These CDs are the same as the download-only versions of Classic Applique on the EQ website. If you own the CDs, don’t purchase the downloads. You already have the collections.
Classic Applique products from the My EQ Boutique website
If you purchased any of the Classic Applique products from the My EQ Boutique website, you may already own some of these blocks. The best thing for you to do is to contact us before you purchase. We can help you with purchasing decisions so that you don’t buy the same block collections twice. Please write to: Customer Service
Classic Applique download-only products
We re-released the original CD collections as download-only products on our website in 2014. Just purchase, download, and double-click to install and automatically link to EQ7. Each collection contains 100-200 beautiful, classic designs that can be printed in any size using EQ7.