Every print preview has Zoom tools available in the upper right. Use the tools to get a better look at your printout before you print.

Print preview zoom tool
Print preview zoom tools

Zoom In  zoomin

Click the Zoom In button to zoom in 10%. Continue to click until you’ve reached the zoom level desired.

When you have reached the limit of zoom in, this button will disable.

While zoomed in, use the horizontal and vertical scrollbars to move your view of the pages. Or click the Pan button, (H key) to move your view horizontally or vertically. To use Pan, press and hold the left mouse button as you drag. The pages of the print preview will move your view as you drag.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Windows: Ctrl++
  • Mac: Cmd++

Zoom Out  zoomout

When any print preview displays initially, the Zoom Out button will be disabled. BlockBase+ shows all the pages of the printout when it displays so the view is as the maximum zoom out level.  After zooming in, the Zoom Out button will be enabled.

Click the Zoom Out button to zoom out 10%. Continue to click until you’ve reached the zoom level desired.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Windows: Ctrl–
  • Mac: Cmd–

Marquee Zoom  marquee

If you want to zoom in on a specific area of any printout, Marquee Zoom is the fastest way to do it. This option is especially useful to zoom the final pages in multi-page printouts.

Click the Marquee Zoom button. Then click and hold the left mouse button and drag a box around the area you want to zoom. Release the mouse to see the zoomed view.

While zoomed in, use the horizontal and vertical scrollbars to move your view of the pages. Or click the Pan button (H key) to move your view of the pages by dragging horizontally or vertically.

Keyboard shortcuts

Press the keyboard Z key. This will select the Marquee Zoom tool.

Marquee select the last two pages to zoom in on them
Results of marquee zoom
Results of marquee zoom

Fit All  seeall

BlockBase+ shows all the pages of the printout when it displays initially. This is the same as the Fit All view. If any of the zoom in tools are used, then click the Fit All button to adjust the preview to display all the pages of the printout on-screen.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Windows: Ctrl+ 0 (zero)
  • Mac: Cmd+ 0 (zero)

fit all

Fit Page  seeone

Click the Fit Page button to adjust the zoom level to the height of one page. The preview will adjust to first couple pages of the printout. Use the scrollbars or Pan tool to see other pages.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Windows: Ctrl+F
  • Mac: Cmd+F

zoom single